You are about to get married and you need to convey your love to your future husband in a Godly manner. Below is a list of Godly love letters to my future husband.
Godly Love Letter To My Future Husband
To my future husband,
I have been praying for you since the day I met you. I asked God to bring you into my life and to bless our marriage. I am so excited that we are going to be married soon! We met in December and our wedding is in July. That means we have five months to get ready for our big day! I can’t wait!
I wanted to send you this letter because I wanted to let you know how much I love you and how much God loves us as a couple. He has blessed us with each other and now He will bless us with a child in nine months (give or take). Our little boy or girl will be here soon!
I am so thankful that God brought me into your life and that He brought us together. We have been through so much together already and there is still more coming! We have both experienced pain in our past relationships but God has brought us together so that we could help each other heal and grow stronger as individuals.
Dear future husband,
God has given us a special gift to be able to love others. Love is the most powerful emotion in the world. It can make you feel alive and it can also bring you to your knees. I believe that we were created with the ability to love in order to share our love with others. We have been given a gift from God, so why not use it? Why not share this gift with someone who needs it?
I want to use my gift of love for you. I want you to know that I will always be here for you and will always love you no matter what happens in our lives. I promise that I will never leave you just because things get hard or because things change between us.
I want to share my love with you because I know how much joy it brings me when someone loves me like this back. When people show me their love for me, it reminds me that there is hope for humanity and there is goodness in this world even though sometimes we may think otherwise.
You are such an amazing person and have so many wonderful qualities about yourself that make me fall more and more in love with you every day! You are kind, thoughtful and caring towards others which makes them feel comfortable around you.
Dear future husband,
I want to thank you for loving me even though I’ve made so many mistakes over the years. I want to thank you for sticking by my side through thick and thin because it takes a lot of courage to do that! You have been such an amazing friend to me through all these years even when I didn’t deserve it at all! Thank you so much for being there when no one else was. And thank God every day for bringing us together because he knew what he was doing when He did!
Dear future husband,
I was thinking about you today. I was thinking about how much I love you and how much I look forward to marrying you. I can’t wait for you to be in my life every day. When I look at you, all I see are good things. You’re everything that is right with this world. You make my heart beat faster and my soul sing louder than ever before.
You’re the man of my dreams and the father of my future children. You make me laugh like no one else can and cry when I am sad. You are the light in my darkness, the warmth in my coldness, and everything else in between. You’re perfect just as you are because only God could create such a beautiful soul like yours!
I know that we will have our ups and downs, but what matters most is that we always remember that we love each other more than anything else in this world! We have each other’s backs no matter what happens or what comes our way because we know that together we can get through anything! We will always choose each other above everyone else because there is no one out there who knows us better than ourselves!
Dear Future Husband,
I want to meet you at the altar and marry you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. God has given us a vision for our marriage and we will be able to achieve it if we remain faithful.
I want to tell you that I love God more than anything in this world. He is my everything. He is the reason why I live, breathe, eat and sleep. I know that without Him in my life, there would be no meaning for me to exist on earth anymore. You might have heard this before but I am telling you again because this is how much He means to me!
I also love myself because when I love myself, it means that I am loving God through me! He created me as His masterpiece so that I can show other people what true beauty is all about! Your wife must be beautiful inside and out so that she can reflect God’s glory upon everyone who sees her!
And lastly, dear future husband, I love you because you are going to be my husband! You are going to be the father of my children and protector of our home! You are going to protect me from harm and guide me through life’s challenges.
My dear future husband,
I have no idea who you are. I’ve never met you before. You could be the handsome prince in my dreams or the elderly man in the grocery store that gives me free candy. The only thing I know about you is that God loves you and has created a beautiful plan for our lives together.
I love you because God loves you. He has purpose and plans for your life and has prepared a wonderful destiny for us as husband and wife.
To my future husband, God’s love is perfect, patient, kind, not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It doesn’t demand its own way. It isn’t irritable or resentful; it doesn’t rejoice at wrong but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
My dear future husband, I am excited about what God has planned for us! His love is greater than any obstacle we will face together in our marriage! Our marriage will be filled with joy because of His love!
Dear future husband,
I have always been a romantic, but when I met you, I learned what true love really is. You taught me how to love someone with my whole heart. You taught me how to love someone unconditionally and without expectations. You taught me how to love someone without fear or hesitation.
When I look at you, I see more than just your physical beauty; I see the man that God has created you to be. You are so much more than what meets the eye and I am so blessed that God chose for us to meet each other on this journey of life. I am thankful for the way He brought us together and allowed us to fall in love with each other before we even knew it was happening.
I know that God has great plans for our future together and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for us!
Dear Future Husband,
I know that God has something special planned for us because we were brought together by Him and no one else can take that away from us. We have a purpose here on Earth and we both have roles in fulfilling it. You will be my hero as well as my knight in shining armor who protects me from any danger no matter what comes our way! I cannot wait until the day we get married.
My dearest future husband,
I want you to know how much I love you. Since the first time we met, I knew that you were the one for me. You make me feel like a princess every day and I want to do everything in my power to make sure that you feel loved and cherished as well.
I pray that God gives us many years together so that we can continue to build our relationship on Christ’s foundation of love. This is what attracts me most about you, the fact that even though we have only known each other for a short time, your love for God is evident in all aspects of your life. You have a heart for Jesus and it gives me great joy knowing that I will be spending eternity with someone who loves God so much.
Dear future husband,
I don’t know who you are or what you look like. All I know is that we will meet one day and fall in love. I am blessed to have been chosen by God to be your wife. In this letter I would like to share some of my thoughts on how to build a godly marriage with you. I hope that these ideas will help us lead our family into a life of faithfulness and holiness before our Lord.
My future husband, You are my future husband. I have been waiting for you all my life. You are the one who will make me happy and complete in every aspect of life. You are a gift from God to me, and I am so grateful that he has sent you into my life at this time.
I want to be your wife because I know that you will never leave me and you will always be there for me through thick and thin. You will help me become a better person by always encouraging me to be the best version of myself. We will grow old together as we watch our children grow up, and I know that we will still love each other after many years have passed by.
My love for you is unconditional, and it will never change no matter what happens in our lives because it comes from God Himself who has blessed us with his love when we were not even looking for it yet!
My future husband,
I love you. You know that right? I love you so much. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you and get to know you more and more every day. I want to learn everything there is about you and I want to teach you all about me in return. I feel so lucky that God has brought us together, because we are perfect for each other! I think we will have such a fun life together just like we have been having since we met!
I love how kind you are and how gentle and patient you are with me when I’m being silly or stubborn. You always make sure to do what’s in my best interest, even if it makes life more difficult for you sometimes. I really admire that about you – it shows how much you care about our relationship and keeping it strong!
I also love how hardworking and dedicated to success you are! You’re going to be an amazing provider for our family someday soon (especially once we start having kids!) And even though it takes up a lot of your time now, there are times when I wish we could spend more time together doing nothing at all but then again maybe not because then we wouldn’t be working hard enough!
Also See: Promise Love Letter To My Future Husband