A Goodbye letter to your soulmate is the one where you get one last chance to give a testimony of all that the two of you were and how it was, the good and bad times, how it all began, what made life great. For some of us, relationships come and go. Whether it was your fault or not, there’s always that one person who comes into your life and changes everything. Love doesn’t last forever. Sometimes you need to say goodbye to the person you once cared about the most, whether it be a friend, family member, or a love interest.
Goodbye Letter To Your Soulmate
Dear Soulmate,
I love you. I’ve always loved you. I will love you until the end of time.
But I have to leave you.
It’s not fair, but it’s true. There are no guarantees in life, and there are no guarantees that we will meet again. But here is what I know: no matter how long it takes or where we end up going, whenever we meet again, our souls will recognize each other instantly. We will look into each other’s eyes and know that we are meant to be together forever. That is what makes this goodbye so hard for me, because I know that someday soon our paths will cross again. And when they do… oh boy… I don’t even want to think about it! The thought of seeing you after all these years makes my heart race and my palms sweat with anticipation!
Dear soulmate,
I’m leaving. I don’t know if you’ll ever read this letter but I have to write it down. I can’t let myself forget why I’m doing what I’m doing. It’s the hardest decision of my life but its time for me to take a leap of faith and follow my heart.
I met you when I was twenty-one years old and we were both so young and stupid, so lost in our lives that we didn’t even know how to be happy. We were selfish with our love, giving it only when we needed it or wanted it, never really understanding that love is a choice not a feeling.
For ten years we lived together; for four more years we stayed together because that’s what people do when they’re married, but for the past two years we’ve been drifting apart slowly like water from an ocean shoreline slowly trickling out into nothingness. It’s not something either of us can control or stop but maybe it’s better this way because there are no hard feelings between us anymore, just emptiness and sadness at what could have been if only we had had the courage to fight harder for what we wanted instead of settling for what wasn’t right.
My dear soulmate,
I have come to believe that the purpose of life is to experience joy and to share it with others. I have learned that joy comes from manufacturing love, happiness, understanding and wisdom. It is not something ready made. It comes from one’s own efforts.
If you are reading this letter, it means we are no longer together in body and mind. However, I hope that even though our lives are no longer intertwined as they once were, we can still share our joys together, as well as learning from each other’s experiences during our time together here on Earth.
I want you to know that throughout my life I have always been grateful for having met you and having had the privilege of being able to share my life with you. You are one of those people who make life worth living. You have added many gifts to my life: laughter, friendship, love and memories which will last forever in my heart and mind.
In my life there have been many challenges that required tremendous courage on both of our parts. There were also times when we needed each other’s support in order for us to face these challenges successfully. In some cases these challenges were so difficult that we felt like giving up or running away from them instead of facing heads on.
My dear soulmate,
I’ve been trying to write this letter for a while now, but I just cannot find the words. I have great admiration for you and the way that you’ve turned out to be such an amazing person. I’ve seen how much you’ve grown over the years and how much you’ve embraced your talents and abilities. You’re so full of life and positive energy!
I am sorry for leaving you, but I must go on my journey now. It’s been a pleasure knowing you and being part of your life, but there are many things out there waiting for me.
Please don’t think that this is goodbye for good! We will meet again someday!
Until then, always know that I love you more than anyone else in this world.
My darling soulmate,
I am sorry for hurting you. I can never imagine how hard it must be for you to accept that I’m gone. I know that you will never be able to get over me, but please keep this in mind: I didn’t want to leave you. It was not my choice. It was God’s will. He wanted me to go before my time because he knew we would have been happier together if I had lived longer.
I hope you find love again someday soon; it is a gift that should never be taken for granted. Don’t let your heartbreak become bitterness; instead, let it help you grow into the person you were always meant to be.
If there is one thing I want you to remember about our relationship, it’s that we had fun together — lots of fun! So even though we had problems like everyone else does, don’t forget those good times we had together because they are what made our relationship so special and unique from all others.
I hope that wherever it is that I go now, there are no wars or famine or disease or any other great tragedy where people suffer terribly just because they don’t have enough food or water or shelter.
Dear [name],
It’s been a while since we first met. You were so lovely and sweet, and I wish you could have stayed that way. But then you started to change. You showed your true colors, and they weren’t so pretty after all.
I can’t stay with someone who doesn’t want me anymore, no matter how much I love them and want to be with them. It would be cruel of me to stay in a relationship like this; it’s not fair to either of us.
I’m sorry for letting our relationship become this way but I know that if I stayed any longer, it would only get worse. It would hurt us both far too much if we continued on as we were before, so I hope that one day you’ll come around and realize what you’ve done wrong. Maybe then we can start over again.
Dear love,
I know that this is hard for you to hear, but I have to be honest with myself. I know that this is not working out and it never will. You are the love of my life, but our relationship is not healthy for me anymore.
We are not compatible for each other and we never have been. You have been my best friend since forever and I do not want to lose that friendship, but it is time for us both to move on with our lives and find happiness elsewhere.
There are too many issues between us that cannot be fixed. They have been there from day one and I am sorry if they bothered you at all, but they were always there because they were real issues that could not be fixed by telling them away or pretending they don’t exist anymore just because we wanted them gone so badly that we ignored them in order to keep our relationship going strong even though there were things wrong between us all along.
We want different things out of life and even though it would be nice if we could compromise on some things and make them work together somehow just like how we used to do before when things were still good between us back then before everything changed between us now.
Dear Soulmate,
I wanted so badly for us to work out, but I know now that our relationship cannot continue. You brought me joy and happiness like no one before. You made me feel loved and appreciated in ways I never thought possible. And you changed my life in so many ways for the better. But we are not meant to be together forever, I am sorry to say.
It’s not your fault… or mine either. We just weren’t meant to last forever, even though we tried so hard to make it work out between us. But sometimes things happen in life that don’t make sense at first glance… because they are meant to happen that way!
Goodbye, my dear soulmate!
Dear [name],
I’ve loved you for a long time, but I think it’s time you know the truth.
I don’t want to be with you anymore.
With all my heart, I wish that things were different. But they aren’t. And I can’t ignore that anymore or pretend like everything is okay when it isn’t.
But I know that this isn’t easy for you to hear, so let me try to explain it better:
I thought by now we would be together forever. But the truth is we never were even close to being together forever because there was always something missing between us…the thing that makes two people work together as one…the thing that makes a relationship last forever…the thing that makes love last forever.
Dear Love,
You were my best friend, my biggest fan and my ride-or-die homie. You made me feel like I could conquer anything and everything in this world, even when we were just sitting on the couch watching Netflix. You’re the one who made me feel like I could be a better version of myself. You taught me how to love myself and helped me find my voice.
I will miss you every day for the rest of my life. You are everything I have ever wanted or needed in a partner and more! Thank you for allowing me into your life. Thank you for teaching me how to love myself and helping me find my voice. Thank you for loving me unconditionally even when I didn’t deserve it. Thank you for being everything I could ever ask for or need in a partner!
Dear babe,
It’s been a long time since we’ve seen each other. I remember the way you used to look at me, your eyes soft and gentle as they gazed into mine. I remember the way you would smile when you saw me coming, how you’d reach out to pull me close and press your lips against mine.
But time changes everything. We’ve both changed, but not for the better. The love we had is still there—I know it—but it’s buried deep beneath anger and resentment, regret and guilt. The passion we once shared has been replaced by bitterness and fear. We don’t talk anymore; we don’t touch anymore; we certainly don’t love anymore.
Maybe someday things will be different between us again, but if not… well, at least it was fun while it lasted! This is my official goodbye.
Dear Soulmate,
Goodbye my soulmate. You are the most amazing person I have ever met. You have changed my life in so many ways and made me the person I am today.
I will always remember all the fun we had together and all the good times we shared. It’s been a long time coming, but I can finally say goodbye.
I know that you’re going to miss me, but I’m not going anywhere for good. You’ll always be in my heart—and that’s where we’ll meet again. Goodbye my love, goodbye my best friend, goodbye my everything!
Also See: A Goodbye Letter To The Love Of My Life