Home » Heartbreaking Goodbye Letter To A Narcissist
Heartbreaking Goodbye Letter To A Narcissist
It is always emotionally exhausting to be in a romantic relationship with a narcissist, if you by chance find yourself in a relationship with a narcissist , you can use these sample letters below to say goodbye to such a person.
Heartbreaking Goodbye Letter To A Narcissist
Dear Narcissist,
This is a letter to say goodbye. It’s not easy for me to do this, but I feel like it’s time.
I hope you understand that it’s not because I don’t love you anymore. It’s just that the relationship we had, the one where I sacrificed myself for you and gave you everything doesn’t work for me anymore.
I know that sounds selfish and ungrateful, but it’s true. And it pains me to have to write these words to someone who was once so important to me, but I don’t want to keep living like this anymore. I’m tired of being treated like an object instead of a person with feelings and needs.
I know that there are things in my life that aren’t perfect either, but they’re mine and they make sense for me; they are what works for me and what makes me happy. And those things aren’t going away anytime soon either, they’re going to stay here until they die out naturally or we all die out together (but probably not).
It isn’t always easy being honest with yourself about who you are as a person and what makes you happy, but once you figure it out? That’s when life starts getting good again.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing this letter to you because I need to get some things off my chest. You see, you’re a narcissist and there are plenty of other articles that address this in detail. But what I want to talk about is how it has affected me and how I’m going to move past it.
You’ve had an impact on my life, and it was a big one. You made me feel like I couldn’t be myself around you, because there was always something wrong with me; something that needed to be fixed or changed. And the worst part is that I bought into it. For years, I tried to change who I was so that maybe you would love me more than all your other friends who were so much more interesting and perfect than me. But eventually, it became clear to me that no matter what changes I made or how hard I tried…it wasn’t enough for you. So now, here we are at this point where all our paths have diverged and maybe even crossed again but finally we are headed in opposite directions again (for good).
Dear( name),
I’m writing this letter to you because I don’t think we can be friends anymore.
I know it’s going to be hard, but I have to let go of our relationship. It’s not fair for me to live in a world where the things that make me happy are constantly at risk of being destroyed by your selfishness and toxicity, or to put up with your abuse while trying to help you change.
I need a friend who isn’t afraid of being around me. Someone who doesn’t need constant validation from others and is comfortable enough with themselves to be able to listen when someone else has something important to say instead of just waiting for their turn to talk about themselves again. Someone who won’t try to control my life by making passive-aggressive comments about how I should act or what I should wear or whether or not I should do something fun because they don’t want me having too much fun without them there (like when we went camping last summer).
I want someone who doesn’t feel threatened by my success someone who knows how proud they should be of how far we’ve come together over these last few years and isn’t threatened by anything outside their own.
Dear [Narcissist],
It’s hard to say goodbye, especially when it feels like I’m saying goodbye to a part of myself. I know you’ll be okay without me, but I wasn’t sure if I’d be okay without you.
I guess that’s why I stayed so long—I was afraid of being alone. But now that I’ve realized how important my own happiness is, and how much better it makes me feel when I’m honest with myself and others, I’ve decided it’s time for me to move on.
The best part about this is that we’ll always have each other in our memories: the way you stared at me across the room at my cousin’s wedding; the time we spent together talking about our dreams for the future; those nights we stayed up until dawn just talking about nothing at all.
Goodbye, [Narcissist]. You were an amazing friend, a true friend and knowing that means more to me than anything else ever could.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing this letter to you because I need to say goodbye.
I know that you’re not going to read this letter you never do. But I still feel like this is important for me to write, and for me to keep in a place where I can see it and remind myself of what happened.
You were the first person who ever told me that I was beautiful. And when you said those words, they made me feel special. You made me feel like I mattered, and like there was something great about me that other people couldn’t see.
But eventually, I started seeing things about you that scared me, things which made it clear that we weren’t compatible as a couple. The way your eyes glazed over when someone else was talking; how often you talked about yourself instead of asking questions about my life; how often you seemed more interested in how cool your friends thought you were than in spending time with them… these are all signs of narcissism. And though I didn’t realize it at first, your behavior became more and more disturbing over time until finally it just seemed like too much work to keep up with anymore.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing this letter to you because I need to tell you something. You see, I’ve been in a relationship with you for quite some time now and I’m ready to move on.
It’s not that we don’t have fun together but lately it feels like you’re more interested in yourself than you are in me. And I want someone who will take care of me and be there for me when I need support, not someone who just wants to talk about themselves all the time.
I know that sometimes it can be hard to express your feelings and that’s why I wanted to write this letter instead of saying it face-to-face. I hope that someday soon we can meet up again and have fun together without any drama or fighting involved.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing to you today because I’ve finally realized that I need to break up with you. I know it’s going to be hard for both of us, but it has to be done.
It’s been a good couple of years together, but ultimately, I can’t continue to let you treat me like this. You have treated me like an object for far too long, and the way you’ve made me feel about myself is no longer acceptable. You know exactly how to get what you want and what you want is usually things that don’t have anything to do with me! It’s time for someone who actually cares about what’s best for me to take over.
I hope we can remain friends and keep in touch. Your friendship means a lot to me, but if not… Well, that’s okay too.
Dear Narcissist,
I don’t know what I did wrong.
Maybe it was something I said or did. Maybe it’s because I’m not perfect and you can’t handle someone who isn’t perfectly in control of every little aspect of their life. Maybe it’s because I kept my feelings inside and didn’t let you know how much your actions hurt me.
Whatever it is, it’s too late now. You’ve already broken me down so much that I don’t recognize myself anymore. You’ve taken away everything that was good about me and replaced it with a shell of a woman who just exists to please other people.
You’ve made me feel like I have no emotions left inside of me anymore that everything has been used up and ground down into dust by the weight of your expectations on my shoulders. And maybe that’s true, maybe there really aren’t any more feelings left inside of me. But if there are, they’re yours now, because they’re all gone from me.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing to you because I have some things to say and need to get them off my chest.
I’ve been feeling like I need to leave for a while now, but I didn’t know how to tell you, because I didn’t want our relationship to end. But then I realized that even if we stay together, our relationship will never be the same. The truth is: it’s over for me.
I’m not saying goodbye forever, I don’t think that’s possible when it comes to family but I’m saying goodbye for now. And maybe forever someday. I don’t know if we’ll ever be able to fix this, but the fact remains that what we’ve got right now is broken. And it needs fixing before we can move forward toward something better together as a family again someday in the future if that’s what you still want from us both as well as each other too much.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing this letter because I need to tell you that I am no longer interested in being your friend. You have made it clear to me that you do not care about me and my feelings, so I do not see any reason to continue our friendship.
I feel as though we have grown apart over the years and that it is time for us to part ways. In fact, we probably would have parted ways a long time ago if it were not for the fact that you are so charming and charismatic in public.
I wish you all the best in life.
Dear Narcissist,
I’m writing to let you know that I will be ending our relationship. It’s not you, it’s me. And by “it,” I mean the fact that you are a narcissist.
I’ve known for a long time that something wasn’t quite right with our relationship, but it wasn’t until recently that I realized what it was: your tendency to put yourself above others at all times and view other people as either “useful” or “irrelevant.” This means that although you treat me very well when we’re together, I don’t feel like our relationship is healthy or fulfilling for either of us in the long run.
The fact is, narcissists aren’t capable of having real relationships with other people, they always put themselves first and have trouble empathizing with others’ feelings. That’s why I think the best thing for both of us would be if we parted ways now before things get too serious or complicated. You deserve someone who can love you back unconditionally and without reservation; and frankly, so do I.
Thank you for everything over the years, it’s been fun.
Dear Narcissist,
I hope this letter finds you well. I hope that you are doing well in your life, and that you are happy in the way you choose to be happy. I hope that your dreams are coming true and that your life is filled with magic and wonder.
I’m writing this because, while I wish we could be friends, I can’t keep living this way. I can’t keep being a part of a relationship where my feelings don’t matter and where I’m constantly put down and manipulated into doing things that make me unhappy.
I hope this letter finds you well and helps clear up some confusion about our relationship so that we can both move forward in our lives without any unnecessary drama between us.
Also See: An Open Letter To The Man Who Lied To Me